Bush Breakfast – Brunch Picnic at Basil’s Boma

Bush Breakfast – Brunch Picnic at Basil’s Boma

Basil’s Boma

Bush Breakfast

Brunch Picnic at Basil’s Boma

WHERE:  Basil’s Boma on the Witwatersburg Mountains in Skeerpoort,

VIEWS:  The magestic Magaliesberg Mountain Range, Skeerpoort Valley with the newly ploughed fields and crops of tomatoes, cabbage, beans, beetroot,  Hekpoort Valley up to Oliefants Neck and the west of Hartbesespoort Dam and Kosmos




What makes Basil’s Boma’s Bush Breakfast Brunch Picnic so special?

It is prepared with love just for you!

Preperation for breakfast starts the day before – great care is taken in sourcing the different types fresh fruits in season for the fruit platter (extra care is taken at the grocer when packing the trolly not to bruse anything – drives the packers absolutely crazy – I end up taking time to pack the way I like myself – then why worry we live in Harties where life is supposed to be many paces slower than in town – at the car everything is neatly packed in the cooler box – soft fruits on the top). Bacon and cocktail sausages are sourced from the local butchery at Broederstroom, quick chit chat to catch up on the folk that side of our area.  Back at Basil’s Boma in the main house all is carefully packed in the refridgerator to ensure optimum freshness.

In the first instance it is freshly prepared with love and great care is taken to cut the fruit etc. displayed with fine attention to detail by yours truely.

Early morning the kitchen is abuzz – preparation for buttering the patty tins, lining with puff pastry for the mini mushroom quiches and apple pastries, breads cut for the french toast – egg mixture for the quiches add to this a bit of this and a spot of that (sorry my secret) – in the garden the greenest mint leaves are sorted along with the fresh chives to be cut up in preparation for the quiches, mushrooms washed and dried in the collander, to be chopped and lightly fried – FRESH FRUIT PLATTER:  fruit gently washed with cool water, drained and lightly dried, carefully cut to size and arranged on the large green hand made Rhodesian Pottery – covered with the Stainless Steel Dome placed on the dark hand made tray with the juice, the green checked napkins placed on white side plates neatly hold the cutlery.

Juice is slightly iced to keep cool on the way up the mountain

Quick filling of patty pans for the mini quiches and apple pastries – no time to waste in the oven – 20 minutes – fry the bacon and cocktail sausages

Harold or Ntombi up the hill armed with cloth, picnic blanket and cushions in preparation for the picnic set up – back in time to collect the tray for the cold start to breakfast – STOP!  Need to add that last touch of sifted icing suger on the fruit and add the fresh mint and boganvilla flowers to complete the look.  “NOW BE CAREFUL UP THE HILL NOT TO TILT THE TRAY – THE PERFECTLY PREPARED FRUIT PLATTER REQUIRES TO BE PERFECT”.

Armed with walking shoes hat and sunglasses down to the Bush Chalet to collect guests to be escourted a short 5 – 10 minute amble up the mountain to the picnic site – stop here and there to explain about the reserection fern, stam vrug, Burkea Africana a short info regarding the Cape Vulture Concervation at Vulpro and a few interesting history facts regarding the area.

There is a distant sound of ?  AH! It is Harold welcoming the guests with the sound of light drumming.

Time to sit down take in the view – indulge in the healthy fresh fruit platter, juice and yogurt.

Shortly after the hot meal of mini mushroom quiches, bacon etc is served.

Sit or lie back take time to have that conversation that there is never time for, soak up the fresh air with the spectacular views and sounds of nature, experience that soft breeze in your hair – JUST BE!

On the way down let us know that your done and we complete our task of collecting and tidying up.


Please share your picnic photos etc. with us – we would love to learn what you most enjoyed about your breakfast experience.

Our apologies if the weather is not perfect for your picnic experience – your picnic breakfast will then be served at your unit.